Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sandra Cisneros and Chicano Literature Essay Example

Sandra Cisneros and Chicano Literature Essay Sandra Cisneros is an American writer and poet, was born on December 20, 1954, in Chicago. She is primarily known for her first novel The House on Mango Street (1984) about a young Latino woman. More importantly, Sandra Cisneros is acclaimed to be a central figure in Chicana literature. Given the fact Sandra was forced to migrate constantly between Mexico and the United States since she was a child, she became deeply interested in the challenges and relationships between Mexican and American cultures. Eventually, Cisneros achieved recognition far beyond Chicano and Latino communities for her accurate interest in the formation of Chicano identity and her contribution to the Hispanic civil rights movement. Some suggest that Sandra Cisneros is the most famous Chicana writer. She became a pioneer in this literary field and achieved to become the first female Mexican-American writer to be published massively. As the first successful Chicana author, Cisneros brought this genre to mainstream literature and made it widely popular (Sandra Cisneros). Most significantly, the writer firstly introduced innovations in her best-known novel The House on Mango Street, where she shifted from established poetic style typical for Chicana literature to a new one, creating a distinctive Chicana literary space. The most prominent topics of her literature brought up such social issues as gender inequality and marginalization of cultural minorities, specifically Latino. Due to her flourishing writing style, the novel The House on Mango Street became popular and readable far beyond the Chicano community. We will write a custom essay sample on Sandra Cisneros and Chicano Literature specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sandra Cisneros and Chicano Literature specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sandra Cisneros and Chicano Literature specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer ?Drawing attention to the challenges Latino community faced, Cisneros played a significant role in Hispanic Civil Rights Movement. As a result of this movement, Hispanic population achieved to heightened awareness of the importance of culture affected many ethnic groups, including Mexican Americans. The primary goal of this civil right movement was to equalize

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