Saturday, August 31, 2019

Black Power Movement Essay

The Black Power Movement was a new way of fighting for Civil Rights in the 60’s. Many African Americans were tired of ineffective, peaceful protests so they turned to violence. There were multiple groups and leaders involved with this movement such as Malcolm X and the Black Panther Party. The Black Power Movement was a battle for immediate change in American society that involved the FBI and the Police. The media made it look like a danger to innocent people, while others viewed it as a progressive movement for African American culture. Though it was a violent and dangerous movement, it was necessary for African Americans to gain equality in America. The Black Power Movement was a form of protesting that had not yet been seen before in the Civil Rights Movement. The term â€Å"Black Power† was introduced in 1966, in a speech by Stokely Carmichael, the head of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. The SNCC was an organization that would help African American students partake in the Civil Rights movement through peaceful activities. Carmichael grew tired of the slow rate of civil rights’ progression, which he made clear in his speeches. He once said in a speech, â€Å"Some negroes have been walking down dream street talking about sitting next to white people. That does not begin to solve the problem†¦ we were never fighting for the right to integrate, we were fighting against white supremacy.† Carmichael’s enthusiasm towards a new type of movement brought many young African Americans into the picture. African Americans soon began to take pride in their heritage and create their own type of style. Many grew out their hair into â€Å"afros† other than previously copying the white mans’ conk style of hair. They also began to wear traditional African dashikis and blue jeans. The new African American style gave them a sense of individuality and pride. The rise of the Black Power movement showed the people of America that African Americans were strong individuals that were willing to fight for their liberties. The motivation for this type of movement was greatly influenced by Malcolm X. Malcolm X’s actions pioneered the ideas and morals of the Black Power Movement. He spent his early years running from white supremacists with his family. His father was a civil rights activist as well as a Baptist minister. His home in Michigan was burned down and his father was found dead on the local train tracks. These events of his childhood gave him a sense of anger towards white people. Though early life was tough, he was always well educated. He graduated at the top of his class in middle school, but dropped out when his teacher told him that his dream of becoming a lawyer was â€Å"no realistic goal for a nigger†. He began to run drugs, prostitutes, and gambling rings to make money. When Malcolm X was arrested for petty crimes, he joined the nation of Islam in prison, where he went on to become a leader in their church. When Malcolm X was released, he was angry at the white oppressors in America. He started an Islamic gang that would help protect his fellow Afri can Americans against police brutality. His ability to overcome a rough life and become a leader in the Civil Rights Movement was inspiring to many. Malcolm X’s dignity, self-respect, and ability to fight for his beliefs were carried on through the Black Panther Party. The Black Panther Party was a national organization that promoted Black Power. It was founded by two very intelligent college graduates by the names of Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. The fact that they were well educated African Americans with college degrees made them admirable to their followers. They required members to read specific books in order to join the group. They practiced a ten point program that stated their desires which included the release of wrongly tried African American prisoners, Housing for the black community, employment for African Americans, and black people being exempt from military service. The program seems reasonable today but in the 60’s many people thought it was never going to happen. The organization was not afraid to kill police officers or any others who were oppressing African Americans. Though they were violent, much of their proceeds went towards building schools, art institutions, dance programs, houses, and many other utilities for Africa n American communities. The Black Panther Party created many opportunities for their people that they would not have received otherwise. Though The Party seemed like a violent  group to many, it was a well-organized group that was very beneficial for African Americans throughout the nation. The Black Panther Party was constantly being attacked by the FBI and the Police. The FBI would threaten the Panthers and try to force them to talk. They would also forge letters and send them to high ranking members of the party that were full of fake information. The FBI technically had no right to do what they did but they would cover up their actions with lies and scandals. The day after Martin Luther King Jr.’s death the FBI kicked in the door on a Black Panther Party meeting, killing four leaders of the party. The attack was unwarranted and they had absolutely no right to kill the four men. Also, when the FBI was called in to investigate multiple homicides of African Americans they would not release the truth of the death by calling them â€Å"accidents† or â€Å"untraceable†. The police force was brutal on the party. There was even an instance of the LAPD raiding one of the Los Angeles Panther’s child care center. Officers held the children at gunpoi nt and made them watch the adults get beat mercilessly by the policemen. The Black Panther Party had difficulties running their operations with these unwarranted attacks. The FBI and the Police were corrupt and should have been punished for their actions. However, they were mostly not African Americans, so the United States Government did not even bat an eye. The Media viewed the Black Power movement as a group of thugs causing chaos. With song titles like, â€Å"Violence is as American as Cherry Pie,† made people feel threatened by the African American community. The movement also had support from the Viet Kong during the â€Å"Free Huey† Campaign. When Huey Newton was jailed, the Viet Kong offered to release prisoners of war for the release of Newton. When Americans realized that the Black Panther Party was supported by the communist government that we were currently in a war with made the group look dangerous. One leader of the movement, Gordon Parks, was frustrated with the media and said, â€Å"I’ve given up trying to explain it. The whites never really listen when I do anyway† For many members of the Black Power Movement, it was very difficult to voice their opinion due to the negative influence of the media. The media  constantly made Black Power look like a group of violent people, which made the move ment look bad in the eyes of many citizens. The practices of the Black Power Movement were terrifying to many Americans. They took the term â€Å"Black Power† and compared it to â€Å"White Power† making it look as if the African Americans were going to murder innocent white people. Many African Americans began to carry weapons visibly in public to show their strength. The combination of the two made it seem as if African Americans were fighting to kill, not for their rights. Also, the newly found pride that many African Americans had discovered was intimidating to many white people, mainly because they had never seen it before. As a result, the FBI considered the Black Panther Party their number one threat to American Security. The Black Panther Party was only taking extreme actions because they needed a huge change, yet many Americans were skeptical about Black Power and did not want to support it because of their fears of African American violence. The Black Power Movement an entirely different take on the battle for civil rights. Many African Americans were done with the slow paced peaceful protests, and began to fight for a faster change in society. The Black Panther Party and Malcolm X impacted the movement the greatest. Even though FBI and Police officers would always try and shut them down. The media made the movement look bad in the eyes of many, yet some still believe it was for the greater good. Even though it was a dangerous protest, it was the only way for many African Americans to make a statement in the United States society.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Population Growth and the Arising Environmental Issues Essay

Population is determined by the relationship of two factors. One being birth rate and the other is death rate. If the number of deaths is less than the number of births then the population is growing larger. In John Laffin’s novel The Hunger to Come data is present showing that the population will continue to grow and not stop; â€Å"About 2050 the population will be 15. 000 million, a century later 82. 000 million and by 2350 a frightening 440. 000 million will be reached†(Engelman, 47). Like all living organisms, humans grow and reproduce; however, compared to the rate of which food is grown and supplied, the birth rate rises at a much faster rate. This compared rate of growth is known as the Malthusian relationship. The Malthusian relationship concludes that human population will eventually grow to be too big, to the point where there will not be enough food supply and other vital resources. When this happens, famine and/or death will occur, unless a plan is put into place regarding how to limit population growth. One main problem which results in the Malthusian relationship would be uncontrolled fertility. Since the death rate is decreasing due to medical advancements it allows more births to happen. Humans without doubt will create a baby faster than the supplies needed to support them. This results in birthrate being dropped down to zero population growth. This can happen in many ways, providing women with contraception (birth control), abortion centers and by creating laws to prevent couples from having more then two children. Education on family planning and birth control is a primary factor in restraining population growth. A common problem that people think is associated with overpopulation is having nowhere to put everyone, but there are also many other environmental issues that it causes. More humans will be using more cars, burning more fuel, eating more food and drinking more water. This causes more air pollution, more lands are ruined and more water and food to disappear. Therefore, population control is necessary on a global level in order to protect our environment. Population growth is ruining the earth’s oceans and water sources. This causes a decrease in earth’s water supply for the future. Due to the fact that water is vital to survive, the water sources being polluted will not do humans well. Besides water pollution, population growth also pollutes the air, which causes the greenhouse effect and reduction of the ozone layer. The greenhouse effect is when gases build up around the earth’s outer atmosphere which literally turns the earth into a greenhouse. What this means is that the heat allowed into the earth’s atmosphere is trapped inside and not aloud back out of the earth’s atmosphere. This results in an increase of the earth’s temperature, therefore it causes natural disasters such as hurricanes and due to the increased heat, crops do not grow properly. With the greenhouse effect comes the disappearing ozone layer. The main purpose of the ozone layer is to regulate the amount of UV light coming down to the earth’s surface from the sun. The chemical chlorofluorocarbon which is found in air conditioning systems, when in the air breaks down the ozone layer. This relates to population growth because of how many families are being produced everyday which results in more communities being built which means more houses. Therefore, this means more air-conditioning units will be in use, which results in the chemical chlorofluorocarbon being let out into the air and breaking down the ozone layer. With the ozone layer being broken down, more UV light enters the earth’s atmosphere and causes humans to gain skin diseases such as skin cancer. Therefore, if population growth is controlled and there is less people, less air conditioning will be used, global warming and the breaking ozone layer could be prevented. Main causes of air pollution are the use of cars and industrial plants, both which let loose harmful fumes into the air. Acid rain is a result of air pollution, it occurs when too many toxins are released into the air. It is made by fossil fuels being burnt then released into the air as a gas which then reacts with sunlight, oxygen and moisture. Acid rain when precipitated pollutes water and damages many materials and resources. Another downfall to cars with population growth is the fact of cars having air conditioning. This is because more chlorofluorocarbon will be let into the air from the car’s air conditioning. With the population increasing, it is creating air pollution which is harmful to all living organism because they need clean air, one of the most important necessities of life, to breathe. Population growth also threatens the earth’s farming resources. For example the desertification of land, this occurs when fertile land is turned into infertile land. This can happen from overgrazing of cattle, or the topsoil being carried away (erosion). If too much water is used, it can cause desertification which is mostly caused by a growing population. The more people need food, the more land is being used in the wrong way to try and make food. Another way population growth affects our outdoors is deforestation. Forests are cut down for the demand of fire wood, agricultural space, paper products and more space to live. However, forests are needed for more than human needs such as to regulate the amount of carbon dioxide let out into the atmosphere. Let it be known that population control will not end all the problems, but it would allow more time for them to be fixed and alienate environment problems. The earth’s environment is not infinite and can come to an end if population control was not started. Actions must be taken now to correct the current situations with the world involving population growth, these actions are the increase of deforestation and desertification, the decrease of farmland, more water pollution, the deteriorating ozone layer and the greenhouse effect. It is evident that there is no way our population can keep growing at the rate it does now without negatively impacting our environment.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Real Estate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Real Estate - Essay Example This exercise has two aims. One is to see whether my house will fetch a goof price in the market so that it can be bought by any of the young people searching for homes. If a good price is offered, then the proceeds of the sale can be used to buy a better house. My house is a two bed-room one and its floor area is approximately 1700 square feet. The above mentioned aim does not seem to be feasible since land prices across the country have fallen due to the recession that has hit the country. I had contacted a builder on the premise of wanting a new home. He said that the Charlotte market like most places in the country has become a buyer’s market and the prices had crashed since the start of the depression. He also directed me to a website to verify what he had said. It appears that the situation was far from satisfactory to a seller and very satisfactory to buyers. According to the website, the current square foot price as of March 1st, 2009 was only $95 for homes in Charlotte. This had fallen to the current level from a high of nearly $185 in July 2008. (Real Time Market Profile for Charlotte). According to the above figures the value of my home would be as follows In such a scenario, it will be worthwhile to compare prices if one wants to buy a ready made house or construct one instead. A search with an agent also shows that prices are low. It shows that three bed room houses are available in the market for at only slightly higher price than what was seen in my valuation. Prices of two and three bed room independent houses with similar or higher square feet are available at prices ranging from $165,000 to $169,000. One particularly attractive house with 1,800 square foot and having three bedrooms and two baths was available for 168,000 dollars. This means that the square foot price of the home was about 93 dollars per square foot. This comes to less than the market price as on March 1st

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Effects of the tragedy in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Effects of the tragedy in Japan - Essay Example Nearly four weeks into the tragedy, efforts on still on by the local and international disaster management teams to search for the missing and identify the dead persons. The damage caused to the government and private properties and businesses is so huge that it strains one’s imagination if it can ever be reconstructed or compensated adequately. If the task of clearing the debris on and off the vast areas of coastline is daunting in itself, the massive relief and rehabilitation of a devastated population coping with the loss of loved ones can test to the limits, even the most prepared and efficient nation on earth. Compounding the tragedy is the damage to the nuclear facility at Fukushima, which has already caused unacceptable increase in radioactive contamination levels in the 20 to30 km. radial area around the plant – on land and in the sea – and this tragedy has by no means played itself out till date. To conclude, it is increasingly evident that if an earthquake/tsunami is likely to happen it would certainly happen with unpredictable ferocity. History can not be a comfortable guide to predict and design human habitations and business facilities. Rather, it should only be used to avoid unacceptable risks. Ed. â€Å"Magnitude 9.0 – Near the east coast of Honshu, Japan†. USGS Earthquake hazards program. March 11, 2011, April 8, 2011, web.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Qatar Leadership Centre's programme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Qatar Leadership Centre's programme - Essay Example The researcher states that with the diverse backgrounds and competencies of the trainers and institutions involved in the Qatar Leadership Centre's programme, the researcher is very confident that by participating in the programme, he will get the opportunity to learn and build the competencies of a great financial leader not only for my employers but also for Qatar as an emerging international economic power. After attaining an international Masters' degree and working as a Senior Auditor for several years now, the researcher has built the basic skills and experience necessary to launch into an international accounting and finance career. The researcher however recognises that he will be more equipped for future challenges if he acquires leadership skills and competencies. These traits and abilities will enable me to get the best results for my organisation and the numerous stakeholders that my organisation will interact with. The Qatar Leadership Centre programme offers the necessa ry training and activities that will enable me to attain these core competencies that the researcher needs to succeed in his international career. The next five years, the researcher desires to acquire more experience in financial management and lecturing, further his education in finance and accounting and also build a socially responsible career. He hopes to do this by working in a world-class university that will enable him to work as an Accountant/Finance expert and also contribute his quota to the society by lecturing and nurturing the next generation of financial leaders. I therefore need some more leadership skills and abilities to influence the young up and coming in the best possible way to become responsible finance leaders in the future. I have also made preparations to complete the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) program in the next five years. This will enable me to gain more technical knowledge about accounting and finance on an international level. This will give m e the necessary qualification to learn about comparative international systems and structures and use that to support in the modelling of a good accounting system in Qatar. In practice, I would want to use my power as a financial manager/auditor to promote corporate social responsibility in my organisation and the wider society. I therefore plan to get some competencies in Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance matters to ensure this. I am strongly considering a postgraduate course in Corporate Social Responsibility to attain this end. Basically, I want to influence my work environment with best practices and effective decisions. I also seek to impart the knowledge I have accrued over the years to the next generation of finance leaders in Qatar and around the world. I also want to promote the institutionalisation of social responsibility in the corporate sector in Qatar. In my practice in the university environment, I once experienced a religious sectarian conflict that invo lved the top-ranked academics of the university and administrators. The issue was related to a policy that could adversely affect a certain social group in the university in terms of

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Criminal Man by Cesare Lombroso Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Criminal Man by Cesare Lombroso - Essay Example Lombroso’s focus is based on shifting of legal thinking to crime. His theories have actually influenced criminological developments throughout both United States and Europe. However, the theories are challenged and mostly discredited. His famous work was L’uomo delinquent (The Criminal Man). Crime results from various causes that range from psychological, biological, individual, and organizational to social factors like education and urbanization. Lombroso accumulated a considerable amount of data analyzing criminal’s physical and skull anomalies using both living subjects and cadavers. The criminal tattoos, jargon and poetry, provides criminal portraits. Psychologically, he described the male offenders as vindictive, vain, delighting in orgies, lazy and dominated by thirsty blood (Lombroso, 2006). In addition, he researched on the relationships of crime to marital status, age, profession, sex, environment and diet. Following the analysis, he concludes that even though a small portion of crime is as a result of social conditions, most it is constitutional. Thus, Lombroso accentuated the influence of biological factors by environmental explanations. The fundamental concepts of â€Å"The Criminal Man† were degeneration, atavism and the born-criminal idea. The first edition introduced the notion of atavism that explains deviant behavior and maintains its centrality in Lombroso theories. Atavism is thought to be an ancestral tendency of reproducing animals and plants and, where there is human concern, to be like one’s grandparent more than their parents (Becker & Wetzell, 2006). The atavistic criminal human signifies the early stage of human evolution. Lombroso specified this type of atavism through various stigmatized physical characteristics, along with ear lobes, finger lengths and head bone structure. Supposing physical atavism was involved with moral corruption, it would

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Connection between disabilities and poverty Essay

Connection between disabilities and poverty - Essay Example Low income precedes disability. Consequently, poverty among the pregnant women, poor diet, and stressful living increases the incidences of prematurity among the babies. For example, premature births and low birth weight are indicators of future disability (Lustig and Strauser, 195). Together disability and poverty creates a vicious circle. Worldwide over a billion people have some form of disability with majority of the incidents resulting from poverty instances. Once the poor people are disabled, their poverty levels worsen more. Disabled people are subjects of discrimination in the world we live in, and are frequently denied access to employment opportunities, healthcare, and education that they require to lift them out of poverty. Rather the individuals become poorer more. Individuals with a disability remain on the verge edge of existence and their poverty levels cause a greater effect on their disability (Braithwaite and Mont 220). Together disability and poverty creates a vicious circle. However, disabled individuals re often regarded to be a curse in the society and are even considered being as a result of witchcraft and bad luck. Disabled people are often hidden away from others or left even alone to die. The millennium development goal on eradication of poverty can only be achieved if special consideration is given to the disabled

Saturday, August 24, 2019

LITERTURE REVIEW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

LITERTURE REVIEW - Essay Example Of all the industries, sectors that require professionals to continuously interact with non-professionals need effective communicators. Industries like hospitality, media, medical, legal and other service sectors need people not only with strong professional backgrounds, but also excellent communication skills. Nursing is a profession where nurses are required to not only assist the doctor in his work, but also ally the fears and apprehensions of the patient and his relatives. Nurses in hospitals become the primary care-givers and spend considerable time with the patients. They would very frequently find themselves in a position where they are the bridge between the specialist doctor and the patient. Thus, their role extends to that of an effective communicator. Various researchers have highlighted the importance of effective communication by nurses in their works. "Effective communication is a fundamental element of nursing care that is integral to the provision of quality patient care." (Ravert et al. 1997, Wilkinson et al. 1999, Bowles et al. cited in McGilton, 2005). By going through the literature available in various nursing journals, it would be easy to narrow down to the topic of my dissertation. Although a lot of research has been done in the field of effective communication as an integral part of the nursing profession, there are many grey areas even today. A lot needs to be done to achieve cent percent efficiency in the field. Surveys, trainings, evaluations, further research would provide a means to fill the lacunae in this field. Process of Literature Search The literature search was carried out through online medical/nursing journals .These have given a wide and varied range of literature on the subject. This literature review has used the results of studies and experiments carried out across the globe. The literature review includes research papers from Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Canada; University of Alberta, Canada; Griffith University, Australia; Communication Disability Center, University of Queensland, Australia; and The Martlets Hospice, Hove, UK. These papers were downloaded from such vastly spread out sources so that there would be very little scope for bias and the review would be a well-balanced one. Under the keyword "effective communication", the review includes topics ranging from complex continuing care facility, palliative nursing, factors that influence communication between people with communication disability and their healthcare providers in hospitals, effective communication as a core competency for collabora tive practice among nurses to effective parent-nurse communication. These articles have been published over a period of nine years from 2001 to 2009.Thus, they include the latest research in the field of effective communication between nurses and patients and ways and means of achieving it. Also, these articles are themselves very well-researched and offer excellent secondary sources of reference. Findings The research studies definitely show that there is a lot of scope for further research and recommendations in the field of effective communication among nurses. The studies covered parent-nurse interactions and patient-nurse interactions under various circumstances and illnesses. The first paper

Interim Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interim - Research Paper Example The company have to choose its suppliers considering its basic business requirements. It therefore needs to operate with other companies have strong management processes as suppliers coupled with effective approaches meant for establishment of their work force in order to ensure that they imrove continuously as well as consistently. According to Aera Energy (2009) the process of choosing a potential supplier for the business needs to be based on the crucials criterias which are specific to particular porcess and indicative of the company’s future success. These criterias are then evaluated and the significant attributes for the processes then chosen. Some usually source for their relevant materials for their business projects from suppliers withuout evaluating to find the right ones. Such suppliiers dont provide them with the right and high quality materiials they aspire to get. Their oprojects end up being either costly, behind time schedule or less productive than if they got the most appropriete suppliers for the materials. Most of these suppliers are not reliable, hence the businesses starts sometimes ends up looking for more materials from other suppliers to supplement them , something which adds cost and spends more time for the company. There is therefore the need to for the company to take tiome and do the necessary selection cretria for suppliers in order to avoid such shortcommings. Selection of the right suppliers would not obnly include looking at the price list of the materials requierd by would also encampass consideration of several factors which would lead to selecing the most competent and reliable suppliers. While doing procurement process for the organization’s materials there would be the need of reducing the potential costs as well as time duration for the process in order to increase productivity of the project or process hence the firms sustainable development. One such approach of

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Human Heart in Conflict With Itself Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Human Heart in Conflict With Itself - Essay Example The goals of literature, therefore, are to encourage the human race to recognize these conflicts of the human heart and to encourage human beings to endure hardships and prevail in moments of conflict and uncertainty. Faulkner concludes his speech by asserting that, "the poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail" (Nobel Prize Speech, np.). This essay will examine two pieces of literature against the backdrop of Faulkner's standard for good and meaningful writing. The first is Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad and the second is The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. In Lord Jim we become witnesses to the deeply profound struggles of a young British seaman named Jim. He is hired as a lowly ship's mate aboard a ship crowded with pilgrims. In the beginning, Jim is idealistic about his role on the ship. "He saw himself saving people from sinking ships, cutting away masts in a hurricane, swimming through a surf with a line; or as a lonely castaway, barefooted and half naked, walking on uncovered reefs in search of shellfish to stave of starvation" (pg. 47). The universal themes mentioned by Faulkner are present. Jim idealizes himself sacrificing, defeating fear, and prevailing in difficult circumstances. Significantly, when disaster does strike, Jim does not perform as he had imagined. Jim's ship is verJim's ship is very soon after these musings caught in a terrible storm. It is his moment of truth. He has imagined his bravery and self-sacrifice in such a situation. The reader, however, is witness to no bravery. Jim succumbs to his fear of the storm and abandons the ship. He saves himself and leaves his fellow shipmates, the pilgrims, and the ship to face the wrath of the storm. Jim is subsequently put on trial for his dereliction of duty. He is stripped of his nautical certificate and left feeling ashamed and worthless. His initial image of himself as a brave seaman has been proven false. He is now a coward and deemed unfit for duty on the sea. This is a classic example of the struggle of the heart to which Faulkner alludes. Marlowe, the narrator of Lord Jim, observes at the trial that the court "wanted facts. Facts! They demanded facts from him, as if facts could explain anything!" (pg. 63). Facts, in short, are unable to explain such a profound personal conflict. Jim experienced fear, the threat of death, and he reacted to preserve his own life. The scene on the ship was chaotic. Nonetheless, Jim is now treated as a dishonorable man. He is shamed for fleeing from danger. What Conrad teaches us is that the universal themes addressed by Faulkner are extraordinarily powerful and dominant. We cannot idealize away the power of fear. We cannot romanticize away the pains and costs associated with sacrifice. Jim learns this first-hand. He isn't a bad person, though he is judged so by his peers, but a character whom struggles with a deeply confusing conflict and chooses to preserve himself. Jim could have done otherwise, but his failings teach us how difficult it truly is to be brave. The Metamorphosis: Gregor Samsa's Uneasy Dreams We witness Gregor Samsa's struggles in a strange way. His struggle is presented both comically and tragically. Gregor is a normal human being. He goes to sleep one evening and as he "awakes one morning from a troubled dream, he found himself changed in his bed

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marriot and Body Shop Aims and Objectives Essay Example for Free

Marriot and Body Shop Aims and Objectives Essay introduction Marriot is an international brand however the purpose of this controlled assessment, they will be my local business known as London Heathrow Marriott-LHM. Marriott is currently a private limited company (PLC) and has two other private investors as owners of the company. The Marriott hotel was founded in 1993 and is located in Harlington, Hayes. Currently its labour turnover for the month of September (2010) is an increase of 10.1%. Marriott acquires approximately 133,000 employee’s world wide and between 8,000-9,000 employees in the UK. My other local business is The Body shop. The Body Shop is an international business Definition of Aims The long-term goals a business wants to achieve. Goals that a business wants to achieve to be successful. Explain what aims are Definition of objectives The specific steps taken by a business to achieve a goal Objectives have to S.M.A.R.T, this stands for: * Specific * Measurable * Achievable * Realistic * Time Marriott’s aims * Guest Satisfaction Superiority * Marriott Profitability Owner Return on Investment * Associate Satisfaction Marriott’s objectives * GSS (Customer Target) 75% (satisfied with overall service) * Sales turnover of  £20m per annum * Labour turnover less than or equal to 25% Summarising Marriott’s aims and objectives Marriot have set themselves three aims that they hope to achieve. These three aims vary from making a profit on their investment to guest and employee satisfaction. Marriott’s first aim and objective focuses on customer satisfaction. They are going to meet this goal by being customer focused and meeting customer needs. To achieve this they will do everything in their power to keep their customers happy to give recommendations to other people and for them to keep coming back to their hotel. They need to deliver the â€Å"wow factor† by providing the best quality of service. They intend to meet this aim by encouraging their guests to complete a â€Å"Guest Satisfaction Survey†. To achieve their aim they need 75% of their customers to be satisfied. The management team reviews all these surveys to find out what they need to improve on to make the hotel and make it the best in the industry. They also focus on associate satisfaction which focuses on the employees. They are striving for labour turnover less than or equal to 25% therefore Marriott hope not to lose more than 1 in 4 of their employees. They aim to make employees satisfied by ensuring their staff is happy. They will achieve this aim by motivating their staff and rewarding them with staff benefits for example LHM offer â€Å"Valuable room rate, food and beverage, and retail discounts at global Marriott locations.† This gives the employees the feeling that Marriott cares about them. Also the amount of pay that is offered by Marriott is higher than most equivalent jobs. This makes the employees want to stay as they know that there is a very slim chance that they will find this amount of pay anywhere else, or they may not get the same amount of bonuses-motivating them to do better- The want the communication between the staff and Marriott management to be strong as this gives the employees the sense that they are involved within the business. Their third aim and objective focuses on Income and money made. Marriott want to make a profit and have a sales turnover of  £20m per annum. By doing this they will be able to maintain share prices and reward shareholders with dividends. Furthermore they will be able to do this by increasing sales revenue for this hotel. This has been set out by the management senior Marriott personnel in the US. The will achieve this by providing the best quality of service. body shopAims * Leading business in the beauty industry * Fair trade * Protect human rights – customers and staff * Protect the Environment and planet body shop objectives * Continue to grow by maximizing sales * All our suppliers have signed the Code of conduct supporting ethical, fair trade program. * Improving working conditions for body shop employees and protecting their Human rights * Every product packaging is made from 100% recycled materials Summary of the body shop aims and objectives

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Role and Purpose of Human Resource Management

Role and Purpose of Human Resource Management Analyze the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry Human Resource Management plays a very vital role in all industries, especially that of hospitality. Due to the constant transformation and growth within the industry, the need to obtain an effective Human Resource Management team cannot be ignored. Hotels such as Marriott International has come to the realization that its employees are its largest assets and having a good, skilled and hardworking workforce can be the difference between the companys success or failure (, 2004). Human Resource Management can be defined as the process of employing and developing employees in order to efficiently and effectively utilize them in the achievement of company goals and objectives (Parrilla, 2015). Below are the findings related to the role, purpose, and functions of Human Resource Management in service organizations. 1. According to Amos et al., (2008) staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining and designing work are three major responsibilities of HRM in the service industry. 2. Maximizing productivity within service industries by optimizing the effectiveness and potential of the organizations staff members is the purpose for which the HRM was created (Nickson, 2013). 3. Bolden-Barrett (n.d.) outlines in her article that recruiting, retention, compensation, liability and labor are the major roles in which the HRM manages. 4. (n.d.) through its research elaborated that HRM function not only manages existing staff, it also plans for changes that will affect its future staffing needs. 5. HRM is often pressured into finding a level ground between the implementation of Hard or Soft HRM (Riley, n.d.). The service industry is greatly dependent on human resource rather than the resource needed to perform tasks within the organization. As a result of this, the service industry has invested a lot in ensuring that their HRM department is effective and have the necessary resources in order to carry out their functions. Bolden-Barrett (n.d.) outlines in her article that recruiting, retention, compensation, liability and labor are the major roles in which the HRM manages. She believes that by delegating a specific department to handle such roles it will relieve some pressure off management and also eradicate the deterrents that plague the service industry. Nickson (2013) reinforced the views outlined in Bolden-Barretts article by explaining that the purpose of HRM is to maximize productivity within service industries by optimizing the effectiveness and potential of the organizations staff members. With this purpose in mind, the HRM would assess the company and determine what is lacking an d also what it needs in order to succeed and reach its full potential. According to Amos et al., (2008) staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining and designing work are three major responsibilities of HRM in the service industry. When broken down further the department would be in charge of managing existing staff, recruiting selecting new staff, laying off workers, providing training and assessment, mentoring motivating, handling evaluation compensations, building strategies, providing legal guidance for both employees and the company and most importantly implementing steps to retain current staff. In fact, (n.d.) through its research elaborated that HRM function not only manages existing staff, it also plans for changes that will affect its future staffing needs. This kind of plan requires HRM to find a level ground between the implementation of a hard or soft management system (Riley, n.d.). They need consider the risks of implementin g soft HRM and leaving the company at a competitive disadvantage by treating employees as the most important assets or implementing a hard HRM where they end up gaining a more cost effective workforce. Conclusion Achievement within the service industry depends on the individual and collective efforts put in by its workforce. HRM as a practice notably offers support and advice to the senior management within an organization. With that being said, the department plays a role in recruiting, retention, compensation, liability and labor. They meet the expectation of these roles by ensuring that the staff in which they recruit possess the needed skills, mindset and experience in which the company needs. They also ensure that employee recognition programs and various incentives are implemented in order to retain current workers. The HRM department also handles the legality within the organization when it comes to the rights of the workers, the enforcing of labor laws and the exercising of company policies. It can be concluded that in regards to the roles of the HRM within the service industry, they are in fact fulfilling and exceeding expectations. AC. 1.2 Justify a human resources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for Marriot International Introduction Human resource planning is a process through which an organization identifies its current, immediate and future human resource needs to enable the achievement of set goals and objectives (Buller and McEvoy, 2012). A human resource plan attempts to estimate labor, demand and evaluate the nature, sources, and size of the supply that will be needed to offset that demand (Bratton and Gold, 2010). Hotels like Marriott International have recognized the vital role that a human resource plan plays in the constantly changing environment in the hospitality industry. A human resources plan links with the organizations business plan to ensure the goals of the business are met. An effective human resources plan is, therefore, essential to ensure the employees have the competencies and skills required for the business to succeed. Findings Following are the findings on the labor supply and demand in the hotel industry: 1. According to Boxall and Purcell (2016) developing a human resource plan involves the forecasting of hiring needs and employment arrangements. It involves a series of steps that include the identification of business strategy and needs; conducting a job analysis; writing a job description, and determining the feasibility of hiring. 2. The demand and supply of human resources planning in the services sector are influenced by the specific skills, experience and knowledge level and qualities that the organization requires from employees (Werner and DeSimone, 2012). 3. The internal factors that influence human resource planning include organizations size, organizations culture; organizations structure; business strategy; power and politics; and top management and line managers (Harzing and Pinnington, 2015). 4. The external factors that influence human resource planning include economic condition; government regulations; technological change and advancements; industry characteristics; workforce demographics; competitor actions; and union actions (Choi and Ruona, 2010). 5. Human resource planning is affected by changes in the economic and technological environment. The influx or decrease in economy and technology causes a subsequent change in human resource plans (Bratton and Gold, 2010). Discussion A human resources plan is important in any services industry. According to Bratton and Gold (2010) plans helps organizations to adjust to the rapidly changing environment as the demand for human resources increases. Changes in the technological and economic environment affect the human resources plan. The development of technology may lead to a subsequent reduction of workers while the reduction in the economy may also decrease human resources intake in the services sector. However, organizations need to manage and institute a working human resources plan. Developing a human resources plan involves the forecasting of hiring needs and employment arrangements. This means the business needs to identify its strategy and needs; conduct a job analysis; write a job description; and determine the feasibility of hiring (Boxall and Purcell, 2016). Human resources specific skills, experience and knowledge level and qualities that ensure growth influence their demand and supply (Werner and DeSim one, 2012). Internal and external factors in an organization have an influence in the planning of the human resources. The internal factors include organizations size, organizations culture; organizations structure; business strategy; power and politics; and top management and line managers (Harzing and Pinnington, 2015). The external factors include economic condition; government regulations; technological change and advancements; industry characteristics; workforce demographics; competitor actions; and union actions (Choi and Ruona, 2010). The factors enhance how organizations plan and organize their human resources. Conclusions and Recommendations The organizations in the services sector operate in a constantly changing environment in the world.   Many factors exist that may discourage or hinder these organizations to plan for their human resources at present and in the future. However, instituting a human resources plan ensures that an organization is prepared for any change that may occur in the business environment. A human resources plan assists an organization to fulfill its mandate when managed appropriately. The recommendation is that Marriott International needs to develop a human resources plan with its business plan. The argument is that as external and internal factors influence, affect and change the supply and demand of human resources, the business will adapt to this changes with a plan in place. Assess the current state of employment relations in Marriot International Introduction Employment relations refer to the total interaction or relationship between an employee and the employer (Nickson, 2013). This relationship is in regards to the establishment of employment conditions. The topic of employee relations in Marriot International is crucial because of the realization that a good employment relations program in an organization leads to the success of the organization. As an approach to effective employee treatment, an employment relation incorporates all issues in the workplace employer-employee relationship including equal opportunity, recruitment, organizational structure and, training and development (Lee and Way, 2010). This forms a basis through which the employees remain loyal to the organization and stay committed to fulfilling the objectives of the organization as required in the specific jobs (Lee and Way, 2010). Findings Below are the findings on the current state of employment relations in the service industry 1. There is a significant growth in the number of workers and employers in the service industry. This growth has precipitated a selective approach by both workers and employers in finding their employers and workers respectively (Goetsch and Davis, 2013). 2. Employment relations is revitalized in the service industries as a result of consistent boycotts and strikes by workers in the service sector thus effecting talks on issues affecting the employees (Vidal, 2011). 3. Employment relations are currently being handled by unions representing the employers and the employees while the government stands as the mediator (Davidson et al., 2011). 4. As a response to boycotts and strikes, unions and management in the services sector are cooperating through corporate campaigns and neutrality agreements to ensure employment relations are improved (Nickson, 2013). They institute harmonization measures through arbitration and negotiation teams to settle grievances and disciplinary procedures in employment relations. 5. Low wages, sexual harassment and poor working conditions in the services sector have precipitated the increase in unions organizing strikes and calling for better employment relations agreements (Kusluvan et al., 2010). Discussion Employment relations in the hotel sector are important because it influences job satisfaction, customer retention and the success of the business. The fight to achieve better working conditions has been taken to the employers by employees. According to Kusluvan et al., (2010) low wages, sexual harassment and poor working conditions in the services sector have precipitated the increase in unions organizing strikes and calling for better employment relations agreements. Employee relations have affected how employers and employees select workers and employers respectively (Goetsch and Davis, 2013). Employers and employees look for organizations in the services industry where their needs and requirements will be met. Davidson et al., (2011) researched how HRM handled employment relations in the past and the present. The findings showed employment relations are currently being handled by unions, negotiating teams, and collaborative institutions. They handle employment issues and in extrem e circumstances lead boycotts and strikes to revitalize the issues in the services sector (Vidal, 2011). As a response to boycotts and strikes, unions and management in the services sector are cooperating through corporate campaigns and neutrality agreements to ensure employment relations are improved (Nickson, 2013). They institute harmonization measures through arbitration and negotiation teams to settle grievances in the services industry. Conclusions and Recommendations As an approach to effective employee treatment, employment relations incorporate all issues in the workplace, employer-employee relationship including equal opportunity, recruitment, organizational structure and, training and development. Employment relations contribute to the success or the failure of a given business. Poor relations lead to poor or inadequate services which lead to the business being affected. The recommendation is that Marriott International should institute an effective working relationship between the employers and the employees in the hotel. This is done by ensuring all employees are treated equally and professionally. They should also support their unions by entering into continuous talks on how to improve their conditions thus enhancing employment relations. Discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources in a selected service industry business Government regulations have increased within the hospitality industry over the years especially due to the industrys rapid growth and diversity. According to Simpson (n.d.), employment laws moderate the relationship between the employer and the employee. The laws delegate areas such as wages, benefits, workplace discrimination, safety on the job and immigration, just to name a few. Employment laws within Jamaica are based on common law concept of the contract of employment, legislations and court opinions (Jamaica Trade Union Labour Laws, n.d.). The laws are enacted as a means of protecting workers from unfair treatment within their workplace as well as protecting employers. Findings Below are the findings related to the different employment laws within my country, Jamaica: 1. According to Employment (Termination, etc.) Act (2008) employers should give prior notice to employees who are dismissed for the reason of redundancy. 2. The Holiday with Pay Act of 1974 outlines that pay, gratuities or benefits should be given to workers who are on sick or vacation leave (Under The Holidays With Pay Act, 2000). 3. The Jamaica observer (2016) advised that the National Minimum Wage increase takes effect today, March 1st, 2016. Such recommendations are made by the Minimum Wage Advisory Commission with guidance from the Minimum Wage Act of 1938. 4. Under the Trade Union Act of 1919, Trade Unions were able to become established, get registered and function. The Act also stipulates ways in which membership is acquired and also how disputes should be settled (Trade Union Act, n.d.). 5. The Employment (Equal pay for men and women) Act of 1975 is in place to eliminate discrimination between sexes as it relates to wages for completing the same work (Jamaica: The Employment (Equal Pay for Men and Women) Act, n.d.). Employment laws greatly impact how the human resource within the hospitality industry functions and operates. The various laws are utilized as guidelines to ensure that employees are treated fairly and that management operates within the laws. According to Employment (Termination, etc.) Act (2008) employers should give prior notice to employees who are dismissed for the reason of redundancy. It further explains that the period of the notice depends on how long the employee has been working with the organization and also how they should be paid for their service. The Holiday with Pay Act of 1974 outlines that pay, gratuities or benefits should be given to workers who are on sick or vacation leave (Under The Holidays With Pay Act, 2000). HR will now have to take into consideration the requirements for paying employees who are on sick leave, going on vacation and even workers who work overtime. Employers who do not comply are at risk of being fined upwards of $250,000 and/or prison time .   The Jamaica observer (2016) advised that the National Minimum Wage increase takes effect today, March 1st, 2016. Such recommendations are made by the Minimum Wage Advisory Commission with guidance from the Minimum Wage Act of 1938. This law is mostly geared at protecting workers without a voice or representation from a Union to bargain on their behalf. With that being said, it is still as important as it sets the bar for the minimum pay in which a certain group of workers should receive. Under the Trade Union Act of 1919, Trade Unions were able to become established, get registered and function. The Act also stipulates ways in which membership is acquired and also how disputes should be settled (Trade Union Act, n.d.). Hotel workers are now able to gain Union representatives under this law. Workers no longer have to strike when their contracts have been breached, as now they have legal representatives who are able to negotiate, deliberate and argue on their behalf. Human Resource Management within the hotel industry will need to sit with Union representatives and negotiate proper wages for workers, decent working conditions and also fair schedules. The Employment (Equal pay for men and women) Act of 1975 is in place to eliminate discrimination between sexes as it relates to wages for completing the same work (Jamaica: The Employment (Equal Pay for Men and Women) Act, n.d.). HR management under this act is obligated in paying workers of both sexes equally to do the same amount of work. Therefore, if the hotel has a male and female chef that does the same amount of work then one shouldnt be getting more pay than the other just because they are a different gender. In addition, both workers should be treated equally and fairly.   Ã‚   Recommendation/Conclusion The hotel industry succeeds when there are full corporation and understanding between employees and employers. As an HR manager, it is my duty to ensure that in creating corporation between management and workers I am also able to do so within the employment laws that governs the country. When these laws are understood, followed and implemented by myself, management and workers then it saves the hotel money- by preventing fines, time- by avoiding lawsuits and lengthy court hearings, and also bad publicity. When the various employment laws are enforced the hotel will experience fewer turnovers, as workers will appreciate the measures taken to ensure that they are fairly treated and therefore will not want to resign. In addition, productivity will increase as workers will be certain that they will receive proper compensation for their labor. Subsequently, with increased productivity, there will be better service and product quality as well; workers will have greater commitment and be c ompelled to put in more work. Last but not least, with the representation of Unions, workers are more trusting and comfortable in their working environment; this is because they know the Union will act in their best interest.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History of the Malacca Sultanate

History of the Malacca Sultanate The Malacca Sultanate was a powerful maritime and commercial empire that Shaped the political, social and cultural systems of the Malay Peninsula. Parameswara (1401 to 1511) was the founder of Malacca. He was a fugitive prince from the Palembang in Sumatra, and attack Palembang. Parameswara fled to the island of Temasik with his loyal company of 30 orang laut (sea people). After eight days in Temasik, Parameswara killed the local chief and usurped as lord over the simple fisher folk of Temasik. Therefore, he runs to Malacca. Under his ruling, in 1414, Parameswara embraced Islam, and change his name to Megat Iskandar Shah, married to a Muslim princess from Pasai, Sumatra. Because of this it attracted Muslim traders to come to Malacca port and international too. He also maintain the good relation with Ming China, he send a mission after mission to Peking in1415, 1416 and 1418. Parameswara, laid a great stress on the element of all event and the political experiences which underwent from broader viewpoint and historical vision in the Malay historical and political development all in Malay Archipelago. Malacca has they becoming a cosmopolitan free port that valued money above any nations of cultural imperialism. Due to the successfully founded and established a seat of power in Malacca around 1399/1400. Upon his death in 1424, Megat Iskandar Shah was succeeded by his son Sri Maharaja (1424-1444) . Sultanate of Malacca Reign Parameswara 1394 to 1414 Sultan Megat Iskandar Syah 1414 to 1424 Seri Maharaja ( Raja Tengah ) or Sultan Muhammad Syah 1424 to 1444 Sultan Abu Syahid 1445 to 1456 Sultan Muzaffar Syah 1446 to 1456 Sultan Mansur Syah 1456 to 1477 Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah 1477 to 1488 Sultan Mahmud Syah 1488 to 1511 Sultan Muzaffa Shah ( 1446-1456) the son of Sri Maharaja and grandson of Megat Iskandar Shah alias Parameswara, ruling the Malacca throne in 1446 succeeding his elder brother , Raja Ibrahim. He was the first to use Arabian title of Sultan, and formulate the Malacca Laws known as Risalah Hukum Kanun in protect the sovereignty and prosperity of Malacca. Raja Kechil Besar (Sultan Muhammed Syah, 1424-1444) played a major role in developing and improving the ceremonial and the administrative system. He re-organized the royal administration. In Malacca the Bendahara immediately beneath the sultan operated as Chief Minister with Temenggong as Senior Judges below, followed by Special Magistrates or Syahbandar. The main four communities in Malacca, Muslim Gujaratis , Hindu Tamiuls , Islamised Javanese and Chinese each a Syahbandar. The Syahbandar have two roles, the Chinese Syahbandar will assisting the vessel in trades when foreign ship arrived from China. So as the Shahbandar looked after h is respective community. Syahbandar will need to responsible for arming, organizing and commanding their community for Sultan. Two offices or ministers were created at this time the Temenggung and Sen Bija Diraja is to the rapid developments that were taking place in the town and society of Malacca. The office of the Laksamana was established during the reign of Sultan Mansur Shah (1456-1477). It was originally designated by the Emperor of Majapahit. The duties and jurisdiction of the Laksamana were similar those of the Seri Bija Diraja. As the position of the Laksamana became more firmly established and more influential in Malacca, the status of the Sen Bija Diraja gradually declined. Beside the four Ministers, there were eight senior directors, all bearing the title Sr. Under them were sixteen junior directors with the title Raja. At the bottom of the hierarchy were thirty two government offices that assist the Minister to carrying out their duties. This administration system was implemented by all the states in Malay Peninsula that were united under Sultanate Malacca. Malacca was as a major player in the spice trade, serving as a gateway between the Spice Islands and high-paying Eurasian markets. The rise of Malacca was the monsoon winds that enabled Arabian and Indian traders from the west to travel to China in the east and vice versa. It was also the center of Islam in the eastern sphere, were also sent by the Sultan to spread Islam to other communities in the Malay Archipelago, such as in Java, Borneo, and the Philippines. Most of South East Asia at that time was Hindu. The Sultanates most important regional rivals were Siam in the north and the declining Majapahit Empire in the south. Majapahit was not able to control or effectively compete with Malacca within the archipelago. Siam on the other hand attacked Malacca three times, but all attacks were repelled. At the same time, Malacca had a good relationship with the Ming government of China; Parameswara had met the Chinese emperor in China to receive a Letter of Friendship, hence making Malacca the first foreign kingdom to attain such treatment. In 1409, the sultan paid tribute to the Chinese emperor to ask for protection against Siam. This Sino-Malacca relationship helped the attacks from Siam from further threatening Malacca. The empire of Malay Kingdom of Malacca ended in 1511 after the Portuguese attack under the rule of Sultan Mansur Shah (1459 1477) because of several external and internal factors. He is a weak leader and paid less attention to the administration. Due to this matter, he often in-need of power during his ruling. Thus, after Tun Perak died in 1498, to be succeeded by his brother Tun Puteh also a weak leader. After the death of Tun Perak the Chief Minister, the Malay Kingdom of Malacca lacked of efficient leader. The bribing, slander and high taxes forced the merchant to change their attention to other ports. The citizen of Malacca become split in to factions and disunited. Tun Mutahir is a weak leader that caused the Malays to become hostile towards the Indian-Muslim. Malacca State continued to flourish but the court was now thronged and dominated by Tamil merchants. Tun Mutahir and Tun Ali put to death, betrayed by Kitul and Raja Mandaliar, an indian native. Chief Minister Tepok ( Tun Peraks son)was appointed by Sultan after Tun Mutahir death. But it unrest by the administration group due to his age and continued the misunderstanding and disagree groups The external factor is the discovery of Cape of Good Hope in South Africa by Bartholomew Diaz in 1488, easier to sail from West to East. As a result, is easier for Portuguese to attack Malacca. Malacca become weak and fall prey to their enemies due to weak leaders, bribery and corruption, betrayal among minister and disunity among the people. Is become more critical when the Portuguese, led by Alfonso dAlbuquefrque attack Malacca and finally over took Malacca in 1511. 2.a) Starting this year on 16th, September 2010 will be a public holiday for Malaysia it is according to our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Sabah and Sarawak, which joined Malaysia in 1963 and the formation of Malaysia as an independent country was a very important moment in history. He also added, Malaysia Day would be celebrated with events that would foster closer unity, understanding between the different races and community success and achievement through sports, social culture and arts, to spur the OneMalaysia spirit. ( Based on history, in January 1956 the chief minister Tunku Abdul Rahman led a Merdeka (independence) mission to London where, in February, agreement was reached with the colonial secretary bringing self-government into effect and envisaging full independence for the Federation within the Commonwealth by 31 August 1957. On 16, September, 1963 was Malaysia is an independent sovereign state Federation of Malaya with the merge of Singapore, North Borneo (renamed Sabah) and Sarawak. Before that, on 1946 the dominant political in Malaya was the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) to strive independence from Great Britain and protest British proposal to grant rights to different ethnic group in Malaya (UMNO). Thats lead to dominant the nations politics of independent Malaya from 1957 through 1963. At independent, 55 % of Malayas population was Malay, 35% ethnic Chinese and 10% Indian. The federation consisted 11 states , Penang and Melaka were former British colonies, and the nine remain states each is a hereditary monarch ( called Sultan).Under the federation , Malays maintained their privileges ( official language and Islam ) and for the non-Malays gained citizenship. The stated every five years the sultan s elect one of their numbers to serve as Yang-di-Pertuan Agong . The Alliance Party , with Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) and the Malayan Indian Congress (MIC) was formed due to without cooperation of the people of Malayan. The new government consisted mostly Malays, with the smaller number of Chinese and Indian. Sabah and Sarawak, with their population of Malay and Indian to balance the Chinese population from Singapore. (Marshall Cavendish Corporation,pg1215) Although the same year there were the Indonesia and Philippines protested the creation of Malaysia. President Sukarno (1901-1970) adopted a policy of konfrontasi (confrontation) and from April 1963, Indonesian infiltrated Sabah and Sarawak. The formation of Malaysia, Singapore and North Borneo unilaterally declared independence from the United Kingdom on August 31, 1963, thus coinciding with the sixth anniversary of the Malayan independence. b) Brunei to opt out, due to the failure to carry out the proposal to come together to share within a new federation that differences in opinion and reluctant on the part of Brunei and Kuala Lumpur. Political power passed in the elections of September 1962 to the Peoples Party, and to maintain that before the move towards Malaysia was made here should be openly of the three fundamental reason such as the speeding of independent, the strengthening of the walls of defense against the communist threat and lastly the provision of help to the less develops parts. These territories under the Sultan of Brunei as constitutional ruler. A revolt within the party tried to bring about this state by force, but it was speedily repressed. Brunei claims that were conditions for joining, touched on the following issue: i) the number of seats in the Legislature and in the Parliament ii) the control on oil and other minerals iii) monetary autonomy iv) Bruneis earlier investment v) method of taxation vi) authority in the area of education and welfare vii) matters of religion viii) citizenship ix) the security of Brunei ( which needs to be guaranteed ) x) the position of the sultan and the status of Brunei within Malaysia Nevertheless, Brunei ultimately decided to remain outside the federation, possibly because with its small population and large riches in the form of oil it was unwilling to share its prosperity. Also, the Sultan of Bruneis status within the proposed federation was called into question, and this matter carried considerable political weight against joining. For Singapore, is a second to Malaya in population and more than three-quarters Chinese in composition, threatened to upset the communal balance on which Malayan politics and government had no depended. Two years after the formed Malay and Chinese in Malay and experienced dangerous polarization. Singapores leaders became involved in the politics of the Malay Peninsula, notably in the 1964 federal elections in Peoples Actions Party (PAP) was one of the contesting parties. Lee Kuan Yew and several PAP leaders belittle MCA, and saying the MCA leaders lacked caliber and over friendly with UMNO. Lee Kuan Yew and PAP was in interpreted by MCA and UMNO as PAP tactic for taking over role for MCA in interests of Chinese community. An Alliance leader regards PAPs criticism of the MCA as a weak party and tends to destroy the good understanding within the Alliance. Lee Kuan Yew have started his Malaysian for Malaysia campaign that no community in Malaysia. On May 1965, even highlighted Chinese u nity against the Malay under Jaafar Albar (UMNO) campaign Malays Unite . In June to August,to find solution but Singapore made the situation worse . On 7, August 1965, Lee Kuan Yew and Tunku Abdul Rahman signed on the separation agreement and passed the Separation Act from Parliament. On 9th, August 1965, Singapore officially left Malaysia.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Review of Painted Love Letters by Catherine Bateson Essays -- essays r

‘Painted Love Letters’, written by Catherine Bateson. The cover of this book looks like a painting of a black & white picket fence, with trees in the background behind the fence, and a purple bougainvillea hanging in the front. It suggests the book will be about a family- because of the stereotype of white picket fences in front of traditional family houses, the families that live in the suburbs with two kids and both parents, a canine and a â€Å"happy† life. But because behind the fence there are, what look like, pine trees, it prompts to suggest that the story isn’t set in the suburbs. What made me choose ‘Painted Love Letters’ was the thickness. Indeed a bit shallow, I wasn’t in the mood for a thousand paged, completely engaging novel. â€Å"Before and After.† – the first chapter. ‘Dad said that in Nurralloo we were surrounded by Philistines who wouldn’t know a good painting if it jumped up and bit them, but at the pub they hung one of his small watercolours, a sketch he called it, and Dad got free beers. He said by the time I was sixteen, we’d be rich. We’d celebrate my birthday in Paris, the city of art and lovers. Mum said, ‘Don’t put ideas in her head Dave Grainger. Chrissie, don’t listen to him,’ and flicked her tea towel at him but later she pulled down one of Dad’s art books and showed me paintings of people dancing in Paris and a Paris pub which looked posher than the Station Hotel.’ My initial response to the writing is it seems temperately colloquial. It makes me feel as though I am a young teenager’s journal- so it wouldn’t consist of acutely complex language or unfamiliar phrases. It is definitely not compelling, but on the up-side it can be understood and related to quite simply. For example, I can imagine my fat... ...ere a part of me. I knew everything now about love and death, everything I needed to know.† My prediction was correct, but only because of the build up of Dave’s death in the beginning of the book. The end was very satisfying – I believe the author put a really good close to the book. Chrissie had grown up and learnt so much about life at such a young age. If I were basing the conclusion on how I would have behaved, I would have had Chrissie disintegrate into nothing because she had such a huge part of her life ripped away from her. But, I think Catherine Bateson’s ending is much more pleasant, and definitely touches my heart. When I think about it, the front cover in a sense symbolises Dave’s life. He is the purple bougainvillea hanging on the black and white fence. This could be a way of how they celebrate his life – show how bright he was in a cold world.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Investigating Osmosis in Potato Cells :: Papers

Investigating Osmosis in Potato Cells Planning: Aim:- To investigate the effect of different concentrations of sucrose solution, on potato cells Osmosis:- Osmosis is the passage of high water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane to a region of low water concentration, i.e. the passage of water. Explanation of osmosis For osmosis to occur there must be; semi-permeable membranes are very thin layers of material (cell membranes are semi-permeable) which allow some things to pass through them but prevent other things from passing through. Cell membranes will allow small molecules like Oxygen, water, Carbon Dioxide, etc. to pass through. Cell membranes will not allow larger molecules like Sucrose, etc. to pass through. Regions of high concentrated water are either a very dilute solution of something like sucrose or pure water. In each case there is a lot of water, there is a high concentration of water. Regions of low concentrated water are a concentrated solution of something like sucrose. In this case there is much less water. If the solution surrounding the cell has a higher water concentration than the cell, the cell will gain water by osmosis. Water molecules are free to pass across the cell membrane in both directions, but more water will come into the cell than will leave. The cell is likely to swell up and become 'turgid'. If the solution is exactly the same water concentration as the cell there will be no movement of water across the cell membrane. Water crosses the cell membrane in both directions, but the amount going in is the same as the amount going out. The cell will stay the same size. If the solution has a lower concentration of water than the cell the cell will lose water by osmosis. Again, water crosses the cell membrane in both directions, but this time more water leaves the cell than enters it. Therefore the cell will shrink and become 'flaccid' Potato plant cells:- Plant cells always have a strong cell wall covering them.

The Yanomamo of the Amazon Basin Essay -- essays research papers

Yanomamo Paper Assignment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Napoleon Chagnon has spent about 60 months since 1964 studying the ‘foot people’ of the Amazon Basin known as the Yanomamo. In his ethnography, Yanomamo, he describes all of the events of his stay in the Venezuelan jungle. He describes the â€Å"hideous† appearance of the Yanomamo men when first meeting them, and their never-ending demands for Chagnon’s foreign goods, including his food. There are many issues that arise when considering Chagnon’s Yanomamo study. The withholding of genealogical information by the tribesmen, and how Chagnon was able to obtain his information is an interesting and significant aspect of this study. Why did Chagnon feel that this genealogical information was important? And was Chagnon’s choice to study the Yanomamo, despite their hesitancy to cooperate, a wise and ethical one?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chagnon spent his first five months collecting what he thought was an intricate and elaborate table of genealogical information, marriage relationships, and kinships within the Yanomamo village of Bisaasi-teri. He knew from the beginning that it would be difficult to obtain the actual names of the tribesmen because it is a symbol of honor, respect, dignity, and political admiration. The less your name was spoken in public within the village, the higher you were regarded. And it was considered an extreme taboo to discuss the names of the deceased as well, which made it exceptionally difficult for Chagnon to trace family lineages to the past. Chagnon would interview villagers asking for the names of all members of their community, including the deceased. He recounts many situations in which the interviewee whispered a name into his ear, made him repeat it aloud and then the person whose name he was supposedly calling would cry out in anger while others laughed. It w asn’t until five months into his development of a genealogical chart, on a trip to another Yanomamo village, that he discovered the name he had for the village headman translated into â€Å"long dong† and that all of his names were in fact ridiculous and, of course, incorrect. For months and months to follow Chagnon would have to be incredibly strategic and smart in choosing who to interview and what to ask them. He began to only interview in his hut in private, where distractions from other village members could not in... ...ission. The Yanomamo seemed to be quite hesitant in accepting Chagnon, and even now he recounts events where they try to take advantage of him and the things that he brings. This is part of their culture, but what is the global importance of his research? I’m sure there is an answer because his study is widely accepted and taught, hence this paper, but I have not been able to understand the purpose of such projects other than fascination. In general, the â€Å"ethics† of something is an issue that must be decided by those involved in the situation. The opinions of the Yanomamo as to whether or not Chagnon’s genealogical study was ethical are just as important as the western scientists’ opinions. And if language presents a barrier to communicate and agree on a study taking place, then maybe that study just was not meant to happen. Not everything and everyone in this world is open to be analyzed, photographed, interviewed, etc. by western scientists. So was it ethical for Chagnon to go to Bisaasi-terri, drop his bags and start working? I say no. Was it really that important for Chagnon to go there and study people who didn’t come out and announce their welcoming of outsiders? I say no.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hate Speech Essay

Hate speech is a form of communication that discriminates against one person or one group. â€Å"Hate speech is a term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.† (USA Education Guides). In many countries, the right to free speech is guaranteed under the constitution, however, it is a right that should not be used to discriminate, abuse or undermine other people. Many people do misuse of the rights that they have in a democratic society and it can often hurt others in many ways. Although freedom of expression should be respected, hate speech is a form of discrimination that should be punishable by law. Many people believe that freedom of expression gives them the right to talk about absolutely everything and they can really talk about everything, as long as it does not discrimina te against another person. Hate speech ridicules and belittles people who do not need to hear it. Freedom of expression has to be a limit; the right of freedom of expression is not absolute because it can influence the other people’ life. People cannot say anything calumnious or slanderous without consequences, like be punishable by law. As a famous phrase says: â€Å"your right ends where the other’s right begins†. It means that the right of a person ends from the moment that this person interferes negatively in the life of another person. The right of people is about their own lives. People have the right to have whatever views they would like. However, having a view and mistreating others are two very different things. A person can have any view they like as long as it is simply their view. According to Marsden Rachel, In support of a democratic community, people can do anything they want until their behavior violates anyone’s freedom. Thenceforth, the government must to intervene in, if only to keep individual freedom. If the government doesn’t intervene in those situations, when interference would be required to adjust the situation, then the situation can stay out of control until the time when major providences will be taken. (Rachel). People who defend hate speech think that the society should know how to deal with the opinions of others but they forget that people who are discriminated against can be excluded from society because of hate speech. People should learn to listen to criticism, which can be constructive, not insults, which are malicious. Criticize a person can be a good thing, giving opinions to improve the person and it something that should be done, with respect, by everyone. Insult is a verbal violence which aims to humiliate and belittle others. People became isolated, can get sick and sometimes may commit suicide when they are victims of hate speech because it can change their behavior. According to a research conducted by some professors in the Syracuse University, correlation between hate speech and suicide rates remains constant. Some people committed suicide after be victimized by the society due to sexual orientation, race or religion, for example (â€Å"Correlation†). When a person practices hate speech, it can influence other people to do the same thing, like a â€Å"snowball† effect, increasing the withdrawal of discriminated people from society and friends. Everybody has the right to ra ise children according to their family’s beliefs. However when parents teach their children to discriminate against other people, hate speech will spread around the world; children should not be raised to discriminate others. Children should learn from birth that discrimination of other people is wrong regardless the religion, for example, and that everyone is equal because children are the future of society. This idea about ridding children of hate speech should be a global consensus. Children should play with other children of another religion, race, colour, ethnic, origin or sexual orientation, for example. It is important because the children should learn with different people and new cultures to see that hate speech is not necessary because all of them are equal. Family’s beliefs are to keep the family tradition and raise children, and a family’s beliefs must respect other family’s beliefs. Some people think that anyone who does not belong to predetermined standards by society should be eliminated from society. This kind of thinking can be considered the most advanced stage of hate speech and it can reach dangerous proportions. Genocide is an extreme action caused by hate speech and it is one of only a few kinds of attitudes that is identified as a crime under international law, similar to other cruel crimes. People must learn to accept, to adapt and to live toge ther with different people. The world would be boring if everyone was the same in everything. Each person has a role in society and nobody is more important than others. A person has the right to be like the person is and he or she should not change to please others. Everyone has to realize how dangerous hate speech can be and the consequences that it can generate. According to Arthur Joyce, hate speech is a harmful thing that can affect the people’s behavior because of its strength. The violence can also be caused by words, not only by physical violence and an example for it is the killing of the people who promoted abortion in the USA. Hate speech develops separation and bigotry; it also damages people who are discriminated. (Joyce & Tatchell) Just because a person is different and is out from â€Å"society’s standards†, this person must not be discriminated against, humiliated nor required to listen to hate speech from others just because the others can say a nything they want. Therefore, people who practice hate speech should be punished by law. Freedom of expression must have a limit, children can be raised according to family’s beliefs, but respecting others, people must learn to live together with others and people who practice hate speech should be punished in order to have a society with justice and equality where people are united and without discrimination. Hate speech is not only hurtful but it can kills discriminated against people in its most advanced stage. Think of hate speech as a disease with a cure. The cure is education and awareness together with personal empathy for others. Every people who practices hate speech and offends others should be punished by law with imprisonment, fine or volunteer work, depending on the case. Works cited: Arthur Joyce, Peter Tatchell. â€Å"Argument – Should hate speech be a crime?† New Internationalist. Dec 2012. New Internationalist Magazine. 25 Jul 2013. â€Å"Correlation between hate speech and suicide rates remains constant†. News Medical, 13 Aug 2004. <>. 29 Jul 2013. â€Å"Glossary of American Academic Terms†. USA Education Guides. . 25 Jul 2013. â€Å"Hate speech†. Article 10. . 29 Jul 2013. Marsden, Rachel. â€Å"Your Rights End Where Mine Begin†. Copyright 2011. . 29 July 2013. Slick, Matt. â€Å"What is Hate Speech?†. CARM. . 30 Jul 2013. â€Å"When is it hate speech?: 7 significant Canadian cases†. 12 Oct 2011. CBC News. 24 Jul 2013.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Business Intelligence with Data Mining

Business Intelligence with Data Mining Abstract Banking and finance institutions are growing very fast in this globalization era. Mergers, acquisitions, globalization have made these institutions bigger. No doubt, the data also grow real huge and more varied. Big data storage such as data warehouse and data marts are provided to give a solution on big data storage. On the other sides, those data are needed to be analyzed. Business intelligence finally comes in as a solution in analyzing those huge data. Business intelligence especially with data mining can create a solution in further decision making.With various tools and techniques, data mining has been proven in many aspects of business. Hidden informations that stored inside either data warehouse or data marts can be gained easily. In example, those hidden informations are market and economy trens, competitor trends, competitive price, good products and services and also can provide better customer relationship management. There is still one benefit in business intelligence with data mining that this paper will focus on, i. e. risk management and frauds and losses prevention. One of product from banking and finance institutions is credit loans.It is really a high risk business, but with business intelligence with data mining especially classification and clustering techniques, it can be maintained and implemented safely and of course with low risks, minimized frauds and losses and increased profits and revenues. Keywords : Banking and Finance, Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Risk Management, Credit Loans Introduction Banking and Finance institutions are growing rapidly nowadays. For one institution, there are more than one offices or branches in one country or even in different country.Globalization, mergers, acquisitions, competitions, market changes are some of the reasons behind why are they growing fast. As those banking and finance institutions grow, so do the data. In this case, banking and financ e institutions probably have much more data than other institutions. Every single customer or people has one or more accounts in one institution or more. The challenge is how to maintain those data easily, how to make good decision among those data, how to create good product for customers and how to retain good customers that can bring much more profits and increase revenues.For those that can not maintain data and make a decision for further movement without analyze the data before will find it hard to be success or even lose in competition with other banking and finance institutions. Some of key success factors in banking and finance institutions, such as : 1. Customer satisfaction Good customer management and good product are the key to satisfy customer. If the institution could manage the customer well and offer good product that can produce benefit to both sides then it will guarantee customer will be very satisfied. 2. Customer loyalty There is no guarantee that satisfied cus tomers will be loyal.Strategies and tactics are needed to retain those customers. 3. Increased profit & revenue Similar with business institutions, gaining profit and increase revenue are the most important thing. 4. Minimal risk With many customers, banking and finance institutions need to analyze the risks that probably could happen. Not all of customers are good customer. Fraud or loss might happen. 5. Readiness for new markets to increase customer Markets are changing rapidly. Winning the competition means winning the customer. Offered products are the key here such as higher interest, free admin cost etc. 6. Efficiency of operationsSince banking and finance institutions have several branches and many customers, the challenge is to make operations in daily transactions become efficient. Problems in Banking and Finance Institutions Similar with other institutions in business, banking and finance institutions also have some of problems in their business. Below are some of those pr oblems : 1. Separated data instance Data are separated through branches all over the place. The banking and finance institution will find it hard to collect and analyze the data. This will also impact in decision making because decision should be made after analyzing all of the data. . High risk Banking and finance institutions have many customers and not all of those customers are good customer. Need to find out whether the customer is realible or not. 3. How to detect fraud and prevent loss Frauds and losses might happen in banking and finance institutions. Fraud in credit loans will cause loss to the institution. 4. How to create good customer relationship To compete in the market and winning customer, banking and finance institutions need to create good customer relationship to satisfy customers and make them loyal. 5. How to create good productProduct is one the aspect that customers consider. Create a good product and can compete with others product will impact in customer win ning. 6. How to find the hidden information inside those data to ease the decision making Huge data are needed to be analyzed and there are some hidden informations in those data that could affect the decision maker in making the decision. If the decision made is crucial one, it could lead to future success. Business Intelligence Business Intelligence can be defined as an ability of an enterprise to comprehend and use information in order to increase the performance.Business intelligence has several activities, procedures and applications. Some of those that mostly used are : Data Warehousing, Data Marts, OLAP Tools, tools for Extract Transform and Load (ETL), Information Portals, Data Mining, Business Modelling, etc (Katarina Curko, 2007). Business Intelligence can also defined as the process of gathering high-quality and meaningful information about the subject matter being researched that will help the individual(s) analyzing the information, draw conclusions or make assumptions (Muhammad Nadeem, 2004). In this paper, we shall focus more in data mining.Data mining works with data warehouse and data marts for data storage and extract transform and load (ETL) tools. Some of advantages by using business intelligence with data mining: 1. Gain profit and revenue for enterprise With business intelligence, the enterprise can gain the data access easily and integrated inside data warehouse & data marts. So the enterprise can service customers better and quicker which will impact in profit and revenue increment. 2. Decision making With data mining in business intelligence, the enterprise can gain the hidden informations in those huge data and can make quick and easy decisions. . Expand the market segment With the ease of decision making, the enterprise can make decision in markets such as price, discount, etc which will impact in winning the market competition. Data Mining Data mining refers to computer-aided pattern discovery of previously unknown interrelationship s and recurrences across seemingly unrelated attributes in order to predict actions, behaviours and outcomes. Data mining, in fact, helps to identify patterns and relationships in the data (Bhasin, 2006). Some of goal examples in using Data mining: 1.Forecasting market price With data mining, enterprise can predict the market price and decide on the best price to compete the price in market. 2. Cross-selling and up-selling analysis Data mining can be used to analyze market based on products. It means enterprise can make cross-selling or up-selling to their products to optimize or increase the sales. 3. Profiling customers Data mining can be used to segment customers depends on the category. For example we categorize customers by their profit or revenue. 4. Manage customer retentionNot only enterprises data, data mining can be used to manage customer data which will impact in better customer relationship management. [pic] Figure 1. Overview of Business Intelligence with Data Mining S ource of data that we shall process come from various sources such as customer data, market data, transaction data, product data, service data etc. As mentioned above, those huge and heterogeneous data will be stored in data warehouse and data marts. Before entering either data warehouse and data marts, those data will be extracted, cleaned up and sometimes transformed into different types of data.Then it will load the results into data warehouse and data marts. In this data warehouse and data marts, the data will be stored. Once the user want to analyze the data using data mining, the system will gather the data stored in data warehouse and data marts. With some of slicing and dicing techniques, data mining process the required data and resulting in enterprise reports. With these reports, management of enterprise then decides what to do next. Data Mining Techniques According to (Larissa T. Moss, 2003), data mining itself has many models and various methods in analyzing data.When to use one of these models or methods depend on the requirements. Below are some of those models or methods : †¢ Associations Discovery Is used to identify the behaviour of specific events or processes. Associations discovery links occurrences within a single event. Example of use in discovering when a person buys a toothbrush then may also buy a toothpaste or a person buys a cigarette may also buy the lighter. †¢ Sequential Pattern Discovery Is similar to associations discovery except that a sequential pattern discovery links events over time and determines how items relate to each ther over time. Example of use in predicting a person who buys a couple sets of computer may also buy a switch or router within three months. †¢ Classification Is the most common data mining technique. Classification looks at the behaviour and attributes of predetermined groups. Data mining tool can classify to new data by examining the existing data that has been classified before. Example of use in classifying characteristics of customers. †¢ Clustering Is used to find different groupings within the data.Clustering is similar to classification except that no groups have yet been defined at the outset of running the data mining tool. Clustering divides items into groups based on the similarities the data mining tool finds. Clustering is used for problems such as detecting manufacturing defects or finding affinity groups for credit cards. †¢ Forecasting Is used to forecasting market or forecasting products in manufacturing enterprise. Comes in two types: regression analysis (predict future based on whole past trends) and time sequence discovery (predict future based on time-dependent data values).Business Intelligence in Banking and Finance Banking and finance in this paper, is the institution that require to adapt in globalization, flexible in market, keep growing, create innovations to gain more customers that will increase profit and revenue. The challengi ng questions is how to achieve those requirements. Those institutions also do risk management to handle frauds and losses. With high profit and revenue, it will be useless if the institution can not handle possible risks, in this case frauds and losses are the most possible risks. They need customers but after customers increased so do the risks.So the possible way is to manage those risks. The same question as above, how to make the risk management easily and cover up all the risks. With business intelligence, all of those things can be achieved. Banking and finance institutions can depend on business intelligence in many aspects. Efficiency of analyzing the data, detection of frauds and losses, risk management, customer management and product management are some of these aspects. Striving for success, banking and finance institutions always trying to create new innovation either in products or services.Mergers and acquisitions have inevitable made those institutions have really hu ge and heterogeneous data. Impossible to maintain those data without new technologies (Katarina Curko, 2007). Using Data Mining as Solution in Credit Loans for Banking and Finance As mentioned above, this paper will focus more on data mining in business intelligence. After discussing the benefit of business intelligence in banking and finance institutions, at last we go to the last important question, how to extract the hidden informations from those huge and heterogeneous data.In this section, we shall focus more on how to predict frauds, losses and risks that might happen in credit loans. Being able to predict risks, frauds and losses are the main concern these days in banking and finance institutions. Credit loans nowadays have been growing rapidly. Almost every single shop or business center allows payment with credit card, but we shall focus more on credit loans such as loan for business, vehicle etc. Credit loans have been the most interesting product for banking and finance i nstitutions. Many customers are looking for credit availability to help them financially.With the credit interests, the banking and finance institutions gain profits. Quite interesting business when they can offer credit and gain the profit from the credit interests, but the most important question is how to guarantee that the customer is a good one or at least make sure the customer will pay back including the credit interests so those institutions will not get frauds and losses. We can say to prevent frauds and losses is a kind of risk management. Risk management really is a crucial step to do especially in banking and finance institutions.Risk management in banking and finance institutions itself covers many aspects such as liquidity risk, operational risk and concentration risk. Today, integrated measurement of different kinds of risk (market and credit risk) is moving into focus. These all are based on models representing single financial instruments or risk factors, their beha viour, and their interaction with overall market (Dass, 2006). We shall focus more on credit risk. Credit risk assessment is key component in the process of commercial lending (Dass, 2006). The institution has money to lend but to decide which customer or borrower is not an easy matter.We shall learn more about the customer or borrower, find their background, their market transaction, their current income, and in more extreme way is learning their current life. To make those tasks possible, we can use classification or clustering in data mining technique. These data mining tools can provide a grouping of customer or borrower. Let’s say there are three groups of customer or borrower that we want to manage. First, high valued customers, middle valued customers and low valued customers. Before put customers into those groupings, there are many things to consider and analyze.Different institutions use different kinds of classification and analysis. But in general, things to consi der and analyze are customer background, customer history transaction, customer credit history, customer account at another banking or finance institution, customer income. Those are from credit customer or borrower perspective. They also consider and analyze market and economy trends to calculate and manage the possible profit gained before make a decision to lend or give the credit. [pic] Figure 2. Overview of Data Mining Process (Classification & Clustering) in Credit LoansWith these data mining tools, the analyst from those institutions can easily decide to approve the credit or not. Logically, analyst or management inside institutions will decide to lend or approve the credit requested by customers in high valued customer then it goes down until low valued customer. But not all decisions are correct, many aspects can cause wrong decision such as incomplete data or unconsistent data of customers, market & economy trends changing, or other aspects. But these tools surely help a l ot to do risk management in credit loans which will impact in minimized rauds and losses and increased profits and revenues. Conclusion Banking and finance institutions have so many products and services offered to customers. One of those are credit loans. Credits that offered to customers or borrowers are not directly approved if one of the customer or borrower makes a request of credit. Many aspects to consider and analyze. With business intelligence especially with data mining including data warehouse and data marts, those important aspects are collected, stored and analyzed. Specifically we use a couple of data mining technique i. e. classification and clustering.The purpose is to group the customer or borrower into groups that are easily to read and analyzed by institution analyst or management to ultimately decide to approve the requested credit or not. In this paper we suggest three groupings of customers or borrowers such as high valued customer, middle valued customer and l ow valued customer. Analyst or management also analyze the market and economy trends beside customer aspects. In the end, these business intelligence and data mining tools are used to ease in decision making to make the best decision for whole enterprise. References Journals: [1] Dass, R. (2006).Data Mining In Banking And Finance: A Note For Bankers. Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad . [2] Katarina Curko, M. P. (2007). Business Intelligence and Business Process Management in Banking Operations. Information Technology Interfaces . [3] Muhammad Nadeem, S. A. (2004). Application of Business Intelligence In Banks (Pakistan). CoRR . Textbooks: [1] Bhasin, M. L. (2006). The Chartered Accountant, Banking and Finance, Data Mining: A Competitive Tool in the Banking. Oman. [2] Larissa T. Moss, S. A. (2003). Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle for Decision-Support Applications. Addison Wesley.